How to write a review:

  • First, login to your account or create a new account, links are on the top right of the page
  • Then, on the My Account page, all your reviews will be listed under the “Listings” section and there will be a “Add a Listing” button. Click it to proceed to the next step.
  • Then, fill in the Create Review form. Make sure to include your title, intro, review details and any optional information you wish to include.
  • Then after adding the review go the Listing you just added, then below that there will be an option to add Review to the listing.
  • Our ratings are as follows – 1 Star is Poor and 5 Stars is Excellent.
  • Next you’ll be able to upload Photos to your review. Up to 5 Photos for each review.
  • Once you are happy with your review, click the “Save Review” button.
  • Then, your review will be awaiting approval by one of our admins and you will receive an email confirming the Post is live.