Terms of Use


The terms of use include all use of services, such as contributing to the reviews on the Rate The Washroom website. By using our services, you accept to abide by the terms.


Registered Users

To gain access to the website, you need to register as a user to this website.

When registering, you need to choose a password along with your email address when logging on to the website. The password must be unique to your account and should not be shared in any way.

Rate The Washroom reserves the right to delete your account without notice.


Registered Users Reviews

Registered users are responsible for all content published on the website. Rate The Washroom is in no way responsible for the reviews posted by its users.

All users CANNOT publish the following on the website.

1) Content that is deemed copyright material.

2) Unlawful content or dishonest content.

3) Any personal information of any kind.

4) Any sexual or derogatory posts of any kinds towards any individuals or establishments.

Reviewers are fully responsible for their posts. If a violation of the abovementioned is found, the post will be deleted immediately. The user will furthermore be banned from writing future posts.



We cannot be held accountable for the posts made on our website by our users. If you would like the post to be removed, please email info@ratethewashroom.com and a third party arbitrator will review the claims made in the post and decide whether they are true or false.

Rate The Washroom cannot be made to compensate, including any loss of revenue as a result of the ramifications due the posts by our users.

We reserve the right to edit these terms at any time.

We reserve the right to delete any reviews that are solicited from 3rd party websites.